
TwitchWaifus“ is a Waifu Trading Chatbot for your Twitch Chat! You can interact with commands and claim your Waifus. Any user can be your Waifu!

Created by GhostZero

Hey there, I'm Yumiko and welcome to TwitchWaifus! 🌸 Enjoy your stay! 🥰

TwitchWaifus“ is a Waifu Trading Chatbot for your Twitch Chat! You can interact with commands and claim your Waifus. Any user can be your Waifu!

Created by GhostZero

1.7M Users 14.7K Channels 26.1K Waifus 31.1K Players 2.6K Gifts 94.2K Gifts given
Want to connect with other streamers and viewers too? Join our Discord ›
!affinity GAMBLING Sets your affinity towards someone you want to be claimed by. Setting affinity will reduce their .claim on you by 20%. Provide no parameters to clear your affinity. 30 minutes cooldown.
!affinity Twilluz !affinity
!balance alias: !$, !sakura GAMBLING Check how much currency a person has. (Defaults to yourself)
!sakura !$ !balance !balance Twilluz
!claimwaifu alias: !claim GAMBLING Claim a waifu for yourself by spending currency. You must spend at least 10% more than her current value unless she set .affinity towards you.
!claimwaifu Twilluz 50
!divorce GAMBLING Releases your claim on a specific waifu. You will get some of the money you've spent back unless that waifu has an affinity towards you. 6 hours cooldown.
!divorce Twilluz
!timely GAMBLING Use to claim your 'timely' currency. You can run this command every 24 hours.
!pick GAMBLING Picks the currency planted in this channel.
!waifus alias: !waifu GAMBLING Shows top 5 waifus. You can specify another page to show other waifus.
!waifus !waifus 2
!waifugift alias: !gifts, !gift GAMBLING Gift an item to someone. This will increase their waifu value by 50% of the gifted item's value if you are not their waifu, or 95% if you are. Provide no parameters to see a list of items that you can gift.
!gifts !gift Twilluz Chocolate
!waifuinfo GAMBLING Shows waifu stats for a target person. Defaults to you if no user is provided.
!waifuinfo Twilluz
!waifutransfer GAMBLING Transfer the ownership of one of your waifus to another user. You must pay 10% of your waifu's value.
!waifutransfer Twilluz GhostZero
!plant KO-FI Spend an amount of currency to plant it in this channel. Default is 1.
!plant 10
!pay KO-FI Give someone a certain amount of currency.
!pay Twilluz 10
!language SYSTEM This command change the language of the bot in your channel. (Possible options: DE = German, EN = English)
!language de !language en !language es !language ru
Show Channel
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Show Channel
How does TwitchWaifus work?
  1. With !timely you can generate 500 🌸 daily.
  2. With !claimwaifu [username] [amount] you can claim your Waifu.
  3. With !affinity [Username] you can show someone your affinity.
  4. Profit! Invest 🌸 with !gift [username] [item] in your Waifu. So that nobody can steal your Waifu!
  5. IMPORTANT: This is only a game! Don't take it too seriously ;P
As a streamer: Go into the chat of TwitchWaifus and enter the !join command. This will join the bot into your chat!
Bonus: Join the TwitchWaifus Discord Server, connect your TwitchWaifus profile and get +75 🌸 every time you use the timely command successfully!
Become a Supporter, Get Rewards!

Support TwitchWaifus on Ko-fi to support the project, access to supporter only command, and many other things!

Become a Supporter Link you Discord Account
Top Twitch Waifus

10 🌸

+0 🌸 this week Waifu Info Show Channel

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+0 🌸 this week Waifu Info Show Channel

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+0 🌸 this week Waifu Info Show Channel

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+0 🌸 this week Waifu Info Show Channel

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+0 🌸 this week Waifu Info Show Channel

100 🌸

+0 🌸 this week Waifu Info Show Channel

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+0 🌸 this week Waifu Info Show Channel